Sunday, September 20, 2015

Personal Update

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”            Anais Nin

In an effort to overcome depression and to help better work with my gender dysphoria, I am changing my name to Madeleine Rose Huish.

Madeleine after my wonderful aunt Maddie, whom I loved as a child, and Rose as a connection to my firstborn (her middle name) from the city in which she was born, the city of Roses…

For those who didn’t get the memo in the fall of 2013, and the writings which followed over the next 6 months, I am transgender, two-spirit, trans-feminine, genderqueer, genderfluid, pick whichever term you like. Am I woman or man? Does it matter? It does in some sense to me and how I appear to the outer world gives rise to issues of invisibility and incongruity, which affects me. I can’t control how others see me but I can take steps like this, which help me to feel more comfortable in this life.

I prefer female pronouns and Maddie is fine also, and hey it’s fairly close to Matt. I recognize overriding our basic readings on gender can be difficult and don’t want anyone close to me to feel pressure around ‘getting it right’ so don’t worry if the pronouns come out awkward. I’m just stating my preferences and appreciate your understanding and support.   If you have any questions please just ask.

I reserve the right to change my name and preferences again if I decide at some point that I feel differently.

Many thanks to my wonderful loving partner Brandy and all of my great supportive family, friends and students over the past few years.

Much love you all, 


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